Archive for July, 2006

Some newly launched sites

Wednesday, July 12th, 2006

We’ve been busy–cranking out a slew of good sites recently. Here are a few: screen capture

The centerpiece of Problem-Loan-Solutions is the long sign-up form, but we still managed to squeeze plenty of valuable information into the page without making it appear crowded or busy. The photo of the woman holding the “Approved” loan application is somewhat cliche, but perfect in this context. Despite the serious subject matter, the site is friendly, cheerful and welcoming. screen capture

Most of their competitors’ sites are bland and corporate, but Certificate Management Solutions wanted something that would stand apart from the pack (without getting too crazy, of course). When they first saw our black and purple design, they said it reminded them of “a New Wave nightclub”. They loved the bold, bright colors…and they especially loved how it revived their online marketing efforts.

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