Setting up Microsoft Outlook to Check Your E-mail

This guide describes the process for using Outlook to retrieve and send e-mail from your Net Elevation web hosting service. These steps are also applicable to other e-mail software, such as Entourage, Outlook Express, Eudora and Thunderbird.

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1. Contact your web consultant to create your e-mail account on the server. Your consultant will send you your username and password.

2. Click on the “Tools” menu and select “Account Settings…”

3. Click on the button at the top that says “New…”

4. Select “Microsoft Exchange, POP3, IMAP, or HTTP” and click “Next”.

5. Check the box that says “Manually configure server settings or additional server types” and click the “Next” button.

6. Select “Internet E-mail” and click “Next”.

7. Fill out the “User Information” section with your information. For “Account Type” select “POP3” or ”IMAP” (see below). For the “Incoming mail server” and “Outgoing mail server (SMTP)” enter “”. In the “Logon Information” section make sure you enter your FULL e-mail address as the “User Name” and enter your e-mail password.

Do not select the Secure Password Authentication (SPA) box.

8. Click the “More Settings” button.

9. Click on the “Outgoing Servers” tab and check the box that says “My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication”. Leave the default setting of “Use same settings as my incoming server”. Click the “Ok” button.

10. Click on the “Test Account Settings…” button. You should get 2 completed tests with green check marks by them. Click the “Close” button.

11. Click on the “Next” button, then click the “Finish” button. Your account is now setup and hitting send and receive will download any new messages.


I can receive e-mail, but I cannot send outgoing mail. Some ISPs require you to use their outgoing mail server for all messages. Check with your ISP for instructions and change the value of “Outgoing Mailserver” in your account settings. For example, you would change Outgoing Mailserver from “” to “” or whatever the mailserver of your ISP is named. Always keep the Incoming Mailserver set to “”.

What if I get a “Sorry, that domain isn’t in my list of allowed rcpthosts” error? We have installed an anti-spam lock on our mailservers. This is to protect your domain from being used by others to send spam e-mails. To unlock the mailserver, You must enable Authentication for the outgoing mail server, as described in Step #9. Do not use Secure Password Authentication (SPA) or SSL.

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