Three Factors to Consider when Revamping Your Website

2011 is here, and that means many businesses are starting out the year by making new years resolutions. Among the most common resolution for a small business to make is the declaration to revamp their website. It’s a good resolution to have because websites have a lot in common with fashion — if you don’t update them enough, they start to look worn, tired, and out of style.

At Net Elevation we work with a lot of companies to help give their sites anything from a facelift to an entire head-to-toe makeover. In case you are thinking about making this the year you bring your website to the next level, here are a few factors to keep in mind:

1.) Your website design should be professional. Take a good, honest look at your color-scheme, typography, and graphics and compare them to your competitors. Does your look stand up to theirs? Or do they have a more
modern feel? Having a fresh first impression will only help your site.

2.) Navigation is key. When building a website, the page navigation needs to be intuitive and make sense. Having a user-friendly experience is key to using a website to make sales. If a potential customer or client is frustrated searching for a particular piece of information, they are likely to leave your site before making a purchase. Ask a few friends or even strangers to find an important piece of information on your site and see how easily they can do it.

3.) Update to include social media. You’ve heard it before and you’ll hear it again, but social media is all the rage these days. Having a blog, and being active on Facebook and Twitter makes you look hip and in-tune with today’s current trends. If you’re putting in the effort to maintain these platforms, make sure their icons are prominent on your site.

New years resolutions are never easy to keep, but this should be the year you decide to update your website, so make sure to keep these three important factors in mind.

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