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How do I access my website to make changes?

The answer to this question depends on how your website is setup.

The universal answer is to talk to your web consultant, and they will help you. More specific answers are below.

Most Net Elevation websites are powered by WordPress, a popular platform that we have customized. On WordPress websites, the login page is usually located on the wp-login page:

Once you’ve reached the login page, you can always use the “Forgot Password” function to reset your password. You only need to enter your e-mail address. When logged into WordPress, you can view a list of your pages and make edits.

If your website is NOT on WordPress, then you may need to login through Cpanel or an FTP program. You’ll need some technical skills to handle this, so it’s best to contact your web consultant unless you know what you are doing.

We usually also store your login details under your Client Login on

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